Surge protection - quote received


A bit of advice, and maybe a bit amusing. 

I have had our lightning protection systems tested recently, and it passed as expected, but I then received a quote from the same people stating that there is no surge protection on the main LV panel.

They didn't have access to it, its in the powerhouse, fed by a 1MVA transformer, but they have actually quoted £1,350 for a type 1 SPD to the main board and one SPD to the fire alarm. I know they have just sent this as a standard sort of touting for business thing, but it did make me wonder if there is actually any requirement to retrofit SPD to our existing installation

Any thoughts?


  • Is the LPS bonded to the LV earthing system? (Usually is these days, but less so in the past).

       - Andy.

  • Is the LPS bonded to the LV earthing system? (Usually is these days, but less so in the past).

       - Andy.

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