Surge protection - quote received


A bit of advice, and maybe a bit amusing. 

I have had our lightning protection systems tested recently, and it passed as expected, but I then received a quote from the same people stating that there is no surge protection on the main LV panel.

They didn't have access to it, its in the powerhouse, fed by a 1MVA transformer, but they have actually quoted £1,350 for a type 1 SPD to the main board and one SPD to the fire alarm. I know they have just sent this as a standard sort of touting for business thing, but it did make me wonder if there is actually any requirement to retrofit SPD to our existing installation

Any thoughts?


  • I have had our lightning protection systems tested recently, and it passed as expected, but I then received a quote from the same people stating that there is no surge protection on the main LV panel.

    First and most importantly, if the building has an LPS, BS 7671 can't be used to design or derive the SPD requirements, only BS EN 62305 series can (this is stated in BS 7671).

    What standard was the LPS installed to ... and inspected and tested to?

    • If it's BS 6551, then you need to get the whole LPS re-assessed against, and bringing in line with, BS EN 62305, before even thinking about SPDs ...

    • If it's BS EN 62305, then that's a good start, but you'd need to get an SPD design to fit with the design of the LPS, taking into account not just the mains coming in (and if any outbuildings, outside lights, EV charging points, going out to those too), but also any telecomms (data, CCTV, antennas and dishes, etc.) assessed against BS EN 62305, BS EN 50174-3 and BS EN 60728-11).
    The imperative may well emanate from insurance provision. 

    Agreed, if the above has not been taken into account, it's entirely possible the insurance company would baulk at any equipment or installation damage resulting from surges or lightning events (direct strike to building or not).

  • I have had our lightning protection systems tested recently, and it passed as expected, but I then received a quote from the same people stating that there is no surge protection on the main LV panel.

    First and most importantly, if the building has an LPS, BS 7671 can't be used to design or derive the SPD requirements, only BS EN 62305 series can (this is stated in BS 7671).

    What standard was the LPS installed to ... and inspected and tested to?

    • If it's BS 6551, then you need to get the whole LPS re-assessed against, and bringing in line with, BS EN 62305, before even thinking about SPDs ...

    • If it's BS EN 62305, then that's a good start, but you'd need to get an SPD design to fit with the design of the LPS, taking into account not just the mains coming in (and if any outbuildings, outside lights, EV charging points, going out to those too), but also any telecomms (data, CCTV, antennas and dishes, etc.) assessed against BS EN 62305, BS EN 50174-3 and BS EN 60728-11).
    The imperative may well emanate from insurance provision. 

    Agreed, if the above has not been taken into account, it's entirely possible the insurance company would baulk at any equipment or installation damage resulting from surges or lightning events (direct strike to building or not).

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