Bonding of PV System - New Build

Morning All

I am currently desinging a new building housing scheme and there is PV system being installed on each property....

The question I have is are you required to bond the PV frame? I understand this would not be requuired as it is not a extraneous conductive parts and cant seem to find a requirement in BS7671....

But it has been mentioned that it is recommened is a MCS guide but I cant find that anywhere....

Look forward to getting your response.

  • I presume you're referring to MIS3002 which is readily available from MCS.

    MIS3002 refers to the IET Code of Practice which is sold by the IET here:

    and is available widely elsewhere. It is also included in some levels of the online Regs packages, if you subscribe to them.

    Therein you will find a decision tree to find the answer for your particular installation.

    ...But in short I suspect the advice you've been given is a little old as it's more common to earth the frame these days (under MIS3002 any decision not to requires documented justification). This does not mean the decision tree does not need to be used as different reasons for earthing result in potentially different solutions.

  • I presume you're referring to MIS3002 which is readily available from MCS.

    MIS3002 refers to the IET Code of Practice which is sold by the IET here:

    and is available widely elsewhere. It is also included in some levels of the online Regs packages, if you subscribe to them.

    Therein you will find a decision tree to find the answer for your particular installation.

    ...But in short I suspect the advice you've been given is a little old as it's more common to earth the frame these days (under MIS3002 any decision not to requires documented justification). This does not mean the decision tree does not need to be used as different reasons for earthing result in potentially different solutions.

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