veterinary practices as medical locations?

How does BS 7671 define and regulate veterinary practices as medical locations? Do the electrical safety requirements for group 1 and group 2 medical locations apply to them?

  • Just to add to the 'it depends' - some (rural) practices seem often specialise in "large" animals - in such cases some of the provisions of 705 might be more (or additionally) appropriate.

       - Andy.

  • Just to add to the 'it depends' - some (rural) practices seem often specialise in "large" animals - in such cases some of the provisions of 705 might be more (or additionally) appropriate.

       - Andy.

  • 705 might be more (or additionally) appropriate.

    I would say, if anything "additionally" ... although in general the requirements of Section 710 would be more onerous and also have performance requirements for a bonding system that are directly related to touch-voltages in normal use.