veterinary practices as medical locations?

How does BS 7671 define and regulate veterinary practices as medical locations? Do the electrical safety requirements for group 1 and group 2 medical locations apply to them?

  • AS GK has said 710 can be applied to veterinary practices. However it would be a good idea to ask the head vet and/or business owner if they want 710 to be applied to there premises. A good idea would be to show them 710 in your BBB and explain it to them and ask if they want these additional provisions and get their response in writing just in case the absence of 710 provisions was called in to doubt.

    It could be they are treating very valuable and/or rare animals that may impact on their decision and also their insurance company may have a view on liability.

    As for CPR I have done it 3 times with one success but years later I still think about my 2 unsuccessful attempts and question myself if I could have done better. One of those events I revisit when wide awake in the night where I am back at the scene replaying every precise event in graphic detail. 


  • As for CPR I have done it 3 times with one success but years later I still think about my 2 unsuccessful attempts and question myself if I could have done better. One of those events I revisit when wide awake in the night where I am back at the scene replaying every precise event in graphic detail.

    A bit of thread drift going on here!

    The out of hospital success rate is less than 10% (,of%20a%20good%20outcome%20decreases.) so 1:3 is good.

    However, I know exactly what JP means. I shall never forget the poor boy who died in a relatively minor RTC on the A3 south of Guildford 25 years ago. If the RTC didn't kill him directly, the well-intentioned but incompetent folk who extracted him from the vehicle when there was no need to so so may have done. I was a cou-le of minutes too late.

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