
Should we be testing after a fused spur for example on a heating circuit I've always been told to only test upto the fused spur but that doesn't seem right to me what's other opinions? 

  • Sam,

    What was the terms of the commercial agreement between the duty Holder and the electrician/electrical contractor? That would help to start with. So a EICR as per the detail in BS7671:2018 AmdNo2 2022 or contract to carry out the In service inspection and testing of electrical equipment?

    Reg 4(2) of the EAWR 1989 expects the Duty holder to maintain everything, the fixed wiring outlets and also the electrical appliances and equipment.

    Cheers GTB

  • Sam,

    What was the terms of the commercial agreement between the duty Holder and the electrician/electrical contractor? That would help to start with. So a EICR as per the detail in BS7671:2018 AmdNo2 2022 or contract to carry out the In service inspection and testing of electrical equipment?

    Reg 4(2) of the EAWR 1989 expects the Duty holder to maintain everything, the fixed wiring outlets and also the electrical appliances and equipment.

    Cheers GTB

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