
Should we be testing after a fused spur for example on a heating circuit I've always been told to only test upto the fused spur but that doesn't seem right to me what's other opinions? 

  • 'Testing for what' is the question I'd like to ask.

    And I think the answer is "it depends".

    BS 7671 doesn't cover equipment, except for its selection (and some aspects of its erection).

    You can certainly check for cpc and bonding conductor connections to exposed-conductive-parts ... but it would not be part of R2 for (R1+R2) as part of earth fault loop impedance used for ADS.

    Appliances will not always (often?) meet the insulation resistance requirements of BS 7671 - almost certainly L-L or L-N, but possibly also L-PE.


  • 'Testing for what' is the question I'd like to ask.

    And I think the answer is "it depends".

    BS 7671 doesn't cover equipment, except for its selection (and some aspects of its erection).

    You can certainly check for cpc and bonding conductor connections to exposed-conductive-parts ... but it would not be part of R2 for (R1+R2) as part of earth fault loop impedance used for ADS.

    Appliances will not always (often?) meet the insulation resistance requirements of BS 7671 - almost certainly L-L or L-N, but possibly also L-PE.


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