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Pat tester issues

Have used a First Stop Pat tester which is fully calibrated etc.  NO passing issues on extension leads etc. Long or short.  Bought a new PAT tester (lower one in photo) which appears to be an upgraded model. However, all power cord tests fail. Pass on older device and fail on newer device.  Scratching our heads to work this out.  Supplier  a tad surprised too. We even swapped the new unit in case it was faulty and no difference. Any ideas?  Any one else having issues with latest version of first Stop  PAT tester? 


  • Does the new model show a pass if you simply test the as-supplied IEC lead  (rather than one from an appliance) using the power cord test option ?

    If so, I would suggest  it could be a faulty product or batch?

    If not,  you could also ask the manufacturer if they have made any changes to the pass/fail criteria with the newer model (changes do sometimes happen to products).

    Scratch that, I found a manual for an older model, and the fail thresholds are apparently the same:

    If it helps, using those thresholds, the theoretical maximum lead lengths that result (for the different csa from 0.5 sq mm to 1.5 sq mm) are:

    The lead lengths (10 m, 25 m, 40 m) appear to be roughly based on 1.25 sq mm csa cable.

  • Does the new model show a pass if you simply test the as-supplied IEC lead  (rather than one from an appliance) using the power cord test option ?

    If so, I would suggest  it could be a faulty product or batch?

    If not,  you could also ask the manufacturer if they have made any changes to the pass/fail criteria with the newer model (changes do sometimes happen to products).

    Scratch that, I found a manual for an older model, and the fail thresholds are apparently the same:

    If it helps, using those thresholds, the theoretical maximum lead lengths that result (for the different csa from 0.5 sq mm to 1.5 sq mm) are:

    The lead lengths (10 m, 25 m, 40 m) appear to be roughly based on 1.25 sq mm csa cable.

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