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Regulation 422.3.9 of the BS 7671:2018

According to regulation 422.3.9 what kind of electrical protection is needed for paper recycling plants, which are characterised by high levels of dust? Does the regulation apply to final circuits or the distribution circuits of the facilities?

  • AMK,

    If there are high levels of dust as you indicated. Has somebody carried out a DSEAR Risk assessment with regards the combustable nature of the dust? e.g. is it conductive dust?, what is the particle size? expected and accepted depth of dust that may gather on any electrical equipment? So depending on that risk assessmnet the selection, design and installation methods may have to comply with BSEN 60079-14. Im sure the duty holder will already have considered this but if dust is present then people may be breathing it in, so appropriate PPE will be required.

    There are many installations/facilities in the UK where dust is produced/present but many fail to take into account is combustible and explosive nature if  a dust cloud is ignited.

    Cheers GTB

  • AMK,

    If there are high levels of dust as you indicated. Has somebody carried out a DSEAR Risk assessment with regards the combustable nature of the dust? e.g. is it conductive dust?, what is the particle size? expected and accepted depth of dust that may gather on any electrical equipment? So depending on that risk assessmnet the selection, design and installation methods may have to comply with BSEN 60079-14. Im sure the duty holder will already have considered this but if dust is present then people may be breathing it in, so appropriate PPE will be required.

    There are many installations/facilities in the UK where dust is produced/present but many fail to take into account is combustible and explosive nature if  a dust cloud is ignited.

    Cheers GTB


  • Thank you Lyledunn & GTB. This is a photo of how much paper dust has accumulated on the SWA cable. The main baler and shredder of the plant have a fire suppression system above them. However, there are high levels of dust on the isolators and cables.