
Discussed at JPEL 64 high level committee meeting as a possible additional warning notice in case the noise from a hand dryer scares the life out of the user!

  • Do we suddenly have more people who are scared of noise than we did a decade or two ago ? Perhaps it is a feature of our fading industrial heritage, but to my mind there are plenty of noises a lot louder than a dryer in a toilet. (trains when they run, lorries airports, steelworks you name it.)

    In any case I struggle to see how it is a JPEL matter - would they comment on labels for food mixers, electric drills etc ? No, surely that would be a product standard issue - along with recommending suitable PPE i safe sound levels were breached.


  • Hand dryers are a lot noisier than they used to be.  The old ones wafted hot air over your hands.  The new ones blast your hands with high pressure but only vaguely warm air.

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