24v ran with 230v cable


I have got to run some 24v dc robus 2 core wire to feed led strip along the roof of a barn. The only route available has already got some lighting switch wires and a smoke detector supply running the length of the barn. I am wondering if running the 24v wire parallel to the 230v wire will have any consequences? The longest run will be 9m, and the robus cable is rated at 300v. 

any advice is most appreciated. 



  • If the line really is DC and the mains is not supplying anything critical, it will be fine.

    The important part of cable sharing a containment is that all cables are rated for the highest voltage present (230V) and in this case you do. Had it been bell wire there might have been more to say.

    Actually some cheaper LED supplies are not that clean in terms of radio frequency interference, and it may be worth waving a medium wave portable radio near the cables to see if there is likely to be a noise problem - you do not want to couple high frequency hash from the LED driver into the building wiring, but in terms of safety you certainly can,

    If in doubt aim for at least 50mm  spacing if you can, for example on opposite sides of the beam,


  • If the line really is DC and the mains is not supplying anything critical, it will be fine.

    The important part of cable sharing a containment is that all cables are rated for the highest voltage present (230V) and in this case you do. Had it been bell wire there might have been more to say.

    Actually some cheaper LED supplies are not that clean in terms of radio frequency interference, and it may be worth waving a medium wave portable radio near the cables to see if there is likely to be a noise problem - you do not want to couple high frequency hash from the LED driver into the building wiring, but in terms of safety you certainly can,

    If in doubt aim for at least 50mm  spacing if you can, for example on opposite sides of the beam,


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