RCD Testing Frequency

Hi All,

Where an RCD is contained within a piece of electrical equipment such as an EV charger, is it still a requirement to test the RCD every 6 months in line with BS 7671 or are the intervals now the decision of the manufacturer of the piece of equipment containing the device?



  • You are really asking "How well do you trust the maker's instructions ?"

    That depends rather on the maker ;-)

    In this specific example we all know that nearly all RCDs only get tested during EICRs or when they trip due to faults and accidents, whatever interval the writing on the box actually recommends.


  • Unfortunately Mike, a large number of these are manufacturers you've only just heard of so I suppose that's the risk. Also, would it be the manufacturer of the equipment that decides or just the manufacturer of the RCD itself used within the equipment which is always different. 

  • Mark,

    I would have hoped that the manufacturers have provided some kind of handbook or document for the "Users" responsibilities? i.e general fault/healthy indication, cleaning etc etc so could be the testing of RCD's is in the user guide, that said it will be integral with the charger, so may not be best for a duty holder that isnt competent to get access to. Or its in the maintenance manual and then dowwn to maintenance regime provided by the manufacturer themselfes if engaged or Duty Holder to put into place.

    As mapj1 says unlikley they will get tested as 7671 indicates, only when there is a problem.

    Cheers GTB

  • Mark,

    I would have hoped that the manufacturers have provided some kind of handbook or document for the "Users" responsibilities? i.e general fault/healthy indication, cleaning etc etc so could be the testing of RCD's is in the user guide, that said it will be integral with the charger, so may not be best for a duty holder that isnt competent to get access to. Or its in the maintenance manual and then dowwn to maintenance regime provided by the manufacturer themselfes if engaged or Duty Holder to put into place.

    As mapj1 says unlikley they will get tested as 7671 indicates, only when there is a problem.

    Cheers GTB

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