RCD Testing Frequency

Hi All,

Where an RCD is contained within a piece of electrical equipment such as an EV charger, is it still a requirement to test the RCD every 6 months in line with BS 7671 or are the intervals now the decision of the manufacturer of the piece of equipment containing the device?



  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    61008 or 61009 stil has the requirement. I’d guess RDC - DD is same

  • . I’d guess RDC - DD is same

    Well, not necessarily ... but ... BS 7671 does not have any requirements to label for regular test of RDC-DD's, or even test them in initial or periodic verification!

    Note 3 to Regulation 514.2.2, however, discuss the fact that the 2022 wording of what we used to call the "RCD label" can be applied "equally for other devices incorporating a user-test facility for operation by ordinary persons" - for example, AFDDs or RDC-DD's where the manufacturer recommends regular functional checks by the user.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member in reply to gkenyon

    I am aware pf section six AMD 2

  • Hi graham 

    Could I ask please, is it a requirement to supply an RCD test label with an EV charger if the charger has on board RCD/RCBO's?

    And if so where in BS7671 does it mention it. I've looked into section 514 but cannot see anything on supplying labels.


  • Hi graham 

    Could I ask please, is it a requirement to supply an RCD test label with an EV charger if the charger has on board RCD/RCBO's?

    And if so where in BS7671 does it mention it. I've looked into section 514 but cannot see anything on supplying labels.

