Question. In BS7671 what reg states about proving dead? Also about locking off?

Question. In BS7671 what reg states about proving dead? Also about locking off?

  • Not sure you will find words like 'lock off' or even 'dead' in the big book - partly because sometime there is no lock as such but an equivalent safe method of work, such as removing fuses or links, or access control and tokens, and then there are cases which may, but only when reasonable to do so, include working with live conductors exposed, but in a well planned system those should be very rare and logged.

    I am aware of organizations that mandate 2 man working for such cases, and require that both parties agree and record that they cannot see any alternative non-live way of working for the problem in hand - usually called up for testing and debugging machinery like generators with the covers off. Equally the DNO send one chap in to do a live change of a company cut out and fuse and no-one blinks, though street joints are at least two working.


  • With BS7671 being the primary book of reference for
    Especially in a domestic capacity and that it is a requirement for all to have (some CPS Competant person Schemes ask to see the up to date copy on the yearly assesment) an up to date copy. Surely this would be an appropriate place to have the subject matter of
    Prove dead
    Safe isolation
    GS38 compliant testers.

    After all the main point of the rules (BS7671) and laws (EWR1989) is to protect the safety of person, livestock and property.  In my eye when a electrician is working on a CU/DB they are covered by the EWR1989 and BS7671 hence the safe method of work would include the list above.  Maybe it's a disscussion worth having?

  • With BS7671 being the primary book of reference for
    Especially in a domestic capacity and that it is a requirement for all to have (some CPS Competant person Schemes ask to see the up to date copy on the yearly assesment) an up to date copy. Surely this would be an appropriate place to have the subject matter of
    Prove dead
    Safe isolation
    GS38 compliant testers.

    After all the main point of the rules (BS7671) and laws (EWR1989) is to protect the safety of person, livestock and property.  In my eye when a electrician is working on a CU/DB they are covered by the EWR1989 and BS7671 hence the safe method of work would include the list above.  Maybe it's a disscussion worth having?

  • I'm not sure that it is you know, it is a standard, but it is not intended to be used as a text or reference book -  by which I mean I challenge anyone with no prior knowledge of electricity to take it to bed one night and wake up understanding anything useful after reading it.

    For that there are codes of practice, on-site guides, makers instructions and more text books than you can ever read. Also it has to cover anything from 100A single phase domestic with 6A lights and one ring, to large warehouse and barns,  to factories with 690v three phase machines passing by universty campuses and estates of industrial units on the way. Also it is not UK specific so ECSQR, EAWR etc do not always apply when '7671 may. It's also why we assume cable buried in a desert, even thouhg in the UK it usually isn't.

    As it is folk get hung up about the fact that the cable rating annexes have not considered all possible installation cases and things like that - which given who writes it, is unreasonable. The person who understands any given installation intimately is the design authority.
