Question. In BS7671 what reg states about proving dead? Also about locking off?

Question. In BS7671 what reg states about proving dead? Also about locking off?

  • Electricity at Work Regulations- Regulation 13.

  • That certainly covers locking off, but it assumes that the equipment is dead, however proved.

    I shall stick my neck out and say that if you know that an installation (or part thereof) is dead, it does not need to be proved in the time honoured way with a lamp and proving unit. That said, if you are not absolutely sure, it would be foolish not to do so. I do not think that we need regulations to tell us that.

    ETA: I have now had a quick shufti at BS EN 50110-1:2023 and it seems that the above is in breach of 6.2.4: "Verification of the absence of operating voltage shall always be completed prior to commencement of work." (My emphasis.) You can debate whether, e.g. removal of the company fuse(s) amounts to "verification".

  • That certainly covers locking off, but it assumes that the equipment is dead, however proved.

    I shall stick my neck out and say that if you know that an installation (or part thereof) is dead, it does not need to be proved in the time honoured way with a lamp and proving unit. That said, if you are not absolutely sure, it would be foolish not to do so. I do not think that we need regulations to tell us that.

    ETA: I have now had a quick shufti at BS EN 50110-1:2023 and it seems that the above is in breach of 6.2.4: "Verification of the absence of operating voltage shall always be completed prior to commencement of work." (My emphasis.) You can debate whether, e.g. removal of the company fuse(s) amounts to "verification".

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