Temp Site Supply


I am hoping for some help/guidance from the community 

I am currently applying for a temp site supply for the construction of 6 bungalows....

I am after some guidance on what size supply i should apply for....


  • When building a single dwelling it's common the the DNO "builder's" supply to be re-used as the permanent supply to the dwelling when complete - it might involve a move of the cut-out/meter at some stage, but the main cables from the street and connections into the the existing main can remain unchanged - usually with a corresponding saving in overall costs. It's unlikely the temp supply will need to be larger than the permanent one - so the initial request relates more to the final building than the builder's immediate needs. So +1 for taking to the DNO - but in the context of what will be needed eventually as well - it may well be cheaper and quicker in the long run.

    Note that some DNOs offer 80A supplies as standard these days and may charge a lot more if you ask for a 100A one - just something to keep in mind if you don't really need the extra 20A.

    I couldn't zoom in on the plan to see the details - but are those detached garages towards the top (North) of the plot? Just wondering if they'll need EV charge points...?

       - Andy.

  • It seems that the yellow Es on the map will be the EVCPs. More detail here.

    Somehow I struggle to see the tenants of such modest homes driving EVs any time soon.

  • I don't see why.  Assuming the stereotype older person down-sizing from a larger house, they may well have enough money for a decent second-hand electric run-around.  If they only do short journeys, it's less hassle than a fossil fuel car.

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