Temp Site Supply


I am hoping for some help/guidance from the community 

I am currently applying for a temp site supply for the construction of 6 bungalows....

I am after some guidance on what size supply i should apply for....


  • If EVs are an option then Solar PV should be also tabled and potentially Electrical Energy Storage Systems.  This gives rise to a further discussion which results in a 3 phase supply to each dwelling.  Thus allowing for 22kw EVSE to be installed.  There are a lot of new build estates in the UK that are being built with 3 phase installs to the dometic dwelling. 

  • Save that they are in Wallsend, not Jesmond; and the client provides affordable homes. Any road, the Metro is only a 10 minute walk away.

  • Apparently the new Temporary power systems update by James Eade will contain a chapter makeover to the mobile and transportable units section to include temporary site huts and office cabins

  • If you can get a garage up without power get the supply put in there then it can be used for the bungalow and won't need moving after.


  • Hi Chris,

    It is a building regulation requirment (Part S) that all parking spaces associated to the property  are fitted with an EVCP.

  • Ah has that changed, I thought it had to be ready to accept one if needed and only needed if it could be done for less than 3k ?

    That may of course apply. It does suggest that getting supplies put into the garages and then into the house may be the easier way, and then as per Aligarjon's post,  if the temporary site supply can be centered on the plot for one of those garages you do not need anything to be pulled up and moved when it is all over.

    As before though ask the DNO - they should already know what they are putting in for each house.


  • Mike,

    they are no garages on this scheme....

    Part S  has caused a headache on some current housing  schemes we are doing as due to the nature of the site the architect couldnt get parking space adjacent to the house causing some lengthy cable runs and chunky cables.

  • apologies - I assumed the small brown rectangles between the red houses were. Hmm. harder then.

    Still worth angling to locate the feeder so that it becomes a house supply in the end with minimal effort.


  • Can you hire a generator while construction work is carried out ?  They even do site cabins with them built in. Quick search online “From 10kVA to 4.5MVA, we've got generators for projects of all sizes”.

  • So it is! (w.e.f. 15 June 2022) Thank you for the update.