Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

This would allow for people and companies to look up the information rather than it being hidden away.  Knowledable people could then have a chance to look at the results or at the previous results to make comparisons and have some historical imformation on the site.  Furthermore it would allow for the information to be checked at a later date should the requirement arise.  (Grenfell Tower inquiry is a casing point)  It has come to light that some of the EICR may not be wholly accurate. 

  • I used to do EICRs for a Housing Association contractor , the Housing Association have the EICRs for their own flats and houses.

    However, some of these flats and houses had been bought by tenants under the Right to Buy Scheme, so then you get:

    1. homes that were bought and the original tenants are living in them as owners and there has not been an EICR or gas safety certificate issued for thirty years or more.
    2. homes that were bought by the original tenants then after a time sold to new owner occupiers, there may have been an an EICR produced at the time of the change in ownership, but that’s not a certainty and it may have been twenty years ago or more.
    3. homes that are being rented out by the original tenants who bought them or subsequent purchasers, for these homes the The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, the tenant has to be given a copy of the EICR and the Local Authority has enforcement powers.

    Also, the smoke alarm regulations only apply to private rental sector, not housing associations.

    The housing association I was doing EICRs for did not provide smoke alarms it was up to tenants to provide them themselves, as it was the owner occupiers, but privately rented homes have to have them.

    Do not assume there is a universal set of rules, I know from personal experience that on an estate with seventy flats Local to me, where I have worked, that the rules, regulations and requirements concerning EICRs and smoke alarms vary from flat to flat on the same landing and from house to house in the same terrace on another estate where I did work for the housing association contractor.

  • I used to do EICRs for a Housing Association contractor , the Housing Association have the EICRs for their own flats and houses.

    However, some of these flats and houses had been bought by tenants under the Right to Buy Scheme, so then you get:

    1. homes that were bought and the original tenants are living in them as owners and there has not been an EICR or gas safety certificate issued for thirty years or more.
    2. homes that were bought by the original tenants then after a time sold to new owner occupiers, there may have been an an EICR produced at the time of the change in ownership, but that’s not a certainty and it may have been twenty years ago or more.
    3. homes that are being rented out by the original tenants who bought them or subsequent purchasers, for these homes the The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, the tenant has to be given a copy of the EICR and the Local Authority has enforcement powers.

    Also, the smoke alarm regulations only apply to private rental sector, not housing associations.

    The housing association I was doing EICRs for did not provide smoke alarms it was up to tenants to provide them themselves, as it was the owner occupiers, but privately rented homes have to have them.

    Do not assume there is a universal set of rules, I know from personal experience that on an estate with seventy flats Local to me, where I have worked, that the rules, regulations and requirements concerning EICRs and smoke alarms vary from flat to flat on the same landing and from house to house in the same terrace on another estate where I did work for the housing association contractor.

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