Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

This would allow for people and companies to look up the information rather than it being hidden away.  Knowledable people could then have a chance to look at the results or at the previous results to make comparisons and have some historical imformation on the site.  Furthermore it would allow for the information to be checked at a later date should the requirement arise.  (Grenfell Tower inquiry is a casing point)  It has come to light that some of the EICR may not be wholly accurate. 

  • Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

    That would require a complete change and the end of hand written paper reports and certificates unless they can be scanned or photographed to be added to the online database, the whole process would quite possibly have to become standardised with a process similar to the Energy Performance Certificate system.

    That would almost certainly require job specific training and qualifications such as those EPC surveyors have.

  • Should EICR (Electrical Instalation Condition Report) be stored nationally or locally in a digital format in a similar way to an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)?

    That would require a complete change and the end of hand written paper reports and certificates unless they can be scanned or photographed to be added to the online database, the whole process would quite possibly have to become standardised with a process similar to the Energy Performance Certificate system.

    That would almost certainly require job specific training and qualifications such as those EPC surveyors have.

  • This is why I started this debate.  So people in the industry could have a voice and an opinion.  Someone has previously suggested that the EICR could be stored and manatined and managed by the DNO/DSO/MO.  It could be possibly tied in with the MPAN number. 

    Hand written EICR could have a picture taken while a transition period to electronic EICR become a normal thing.