Reading for Zdb only on minor works cert

Wondered if anyone else found it odd that we are only required to give Zdb instead of Ze on the above cert,since

the earth reading could be coming from pipework or next doors main protective bonding?

Thanks for any replies,


  • No.

    It is the EFLI at the DB which supplies the particular final circuit. Don't forget that the circuit has already had at EIC (in theory, at some stage) and that a MEIWC only includes additions or alterations to an existing circuit. A new circuit requires an EIC. (And notification.)

  • Are you suggesting disconnecting the main earth conductor for testing should be a requirement when replacing a faulty light switch?

  • Are you suggesting disconnecting the main earth conductor for testing

    IF you disconnect the main earth conductor you should first check for DNC (Diverted Neutral Currents or Broken PEN)

  • Quite, and maybe turn off the whole building rather than just the board for the lighting circuits or whatever. It depends, if it is in a bedsit with one fuseboard, maybe that is not a bad idea , especially if it looks a bit rough.

    On a large multi building campus, no, and as most things are in between it will need thought. At best a 'consider if this test is required' not compulsory pleawse.
