Are the IET restricting electrical contractors

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

The IET define the EAS. As I have observed they have removed the competent person from Sept 21 from being acceptable with just an 18th edition qualification.

Now they have removed that and the acceptable verification for this level is beyond what most 48 year old plus contractors have. 

there are contractors out there who have experience and older quals (anyone who says grandad rights is in bed with these lot) who can no longer be a QS should they lose them, forcing them to employ people who aren’t really QS level but satisfy EAS set out by IET.

From my experience in assessing tue EAS, this is a money making agenda.

IET is restricting the electrical contract industry to make money.

kind regards 


  • Firstly let me declare my interest. I have been a member of the IET since 1986. I am also a member of the IET Council. This is my personal view on the EAS scheme.

    The IET are one of the Professional Engineering Institutions (PEI) governed by a Royal Charter.

    The IET does not write the EAS document but does attend the EAS meetings. The IET does not, and would not, seek to restrict the electrical installation industry in order to make money.

    You may wish to note that the EAS document does not recognize IET members being qualified or competent to be QSs.

    The IETs stated policy is for individual competence and supports Dame Judith Hacketts stated view on individual competence.

    The competent person schemes are not individual competence schemes and do not register register individuals, only enterprises. The competent persons schemes, and their emanations, write the EAS document.

    The new Building Safety Regulator is a department inside the Health and Safety Executive. The BSR now regulates the competent person schemes. If you wish to complain about the EAS scheme you should write to the Building Safety Regulator.

    In respect of CPD the IET requires it's members to do CPD each year and to submit annually a record of CPD undertaken. I submitted mine last month.

    I hope this clarifies  the misunderstanding about the EAS document?


  • Firstly let me declare my interest. I have been a member of the IET since 1986. I am also a member of the IET Council. This is my personal view on the EAS scheme.

    The IET are one of the Professional Engineering Institutions (PEI) governed by a Royal Charter.

    The IET does not write the EAS document but does attend the EAS meetings. The IET does not, and would not, seek to restrict the electrical installation industry in order to make money.

    You may wish to note that the EAS document does not recognize IET members being qualified or competent to be QSs.

    The IETs stated policy is for individual competence and supports Dame Judith Hacketts stated view on individual competence.

    The competent person schemes are not individual competence schemes and do not register register individuals, only enterprises. The competent persons schemes, and their emanations, write the EAS document.

    The new Building Safety Regulator is a department inside the Health and Safety Executive. The BSR now regulates the competent person schemes. If you wish to complain about the EAS scheme you should write to the Building Safety Regulator.

    In respect of CPD the IET requires it's members to do CPD each year and to submit annually a record of CPD undertaken. I submitted mine last month.

    I hope this clarifies  the misunderstanding about the EAS document?


  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member in reply to John Peckham

    Thank you John where can I find the EAS document out side of the IET website please.

    and agreed it is for enterprises but does set out competency requirements for individuals wanting to be QS.