Exporting final circuits

The Local Authority I work for as an Electrical Engineer is developing low carbon three story flatted residential properties with six flats in each block.

Each flat has its own single phase supply and there is 3-phase landlord's supply covering the common areas

The Mechanical Consultant has specified Air Source Heat Pumps as heating and hot water solution which is fine.

I am not at ease with the arrangement of the equipment the indoor unit is in the flat which is OK but the outdoor unt rather than being mounted on a balcony or wall of the flat it serves is located in separate out building.

This does not seem right as I have export a final circuit from the tenants consumer unit out with the boundary of their property through the common area then right outside the building to an out building.

Also the out building accommodate six final circuits all from different metered installations and also circuits from the landlords supply.

This seem highly irregular to me as all the guidance I have looked at for installed ASHP's states that in a flatted properties that ASHP's should either be a individual systems installed in the flats or a central system in which case it would be on common ground and be fed from the landlords supply.

Does anyone know of any regulations that advises against or prohibits final circuits from different DNO metered installation being mixed in the soom area / room? I have also asked this question to the DNO

Any feed back will be appreciated


Alan Gray

  • Well it wll need to be very clear (contractually) who maintains the cables that are made live or isolated from the flat end, and yet are by the sounds of it routed outside and are accessible to all. Rather like building network wiring it will need to be resistant to casual tampering - who is responsible if it gets vandalised and then someone else gets a shock , for example.

    Armour and steel trunking are your friends....This is no worse than flat specific outside lights, sockets or car charging, all common thee days, but it needs to be very clear who does what and who repairs and protects what.

    At the equipment end more than usual care over labelling, and also isolation, maybe indicator lamps and things to avoid relying on turning off from inside flat one and accidentlayly opening the live heat exhhanger for flat two sort of accidents.

    Interconnection of earthing may or may not become a concern. -If all the flats really share one big incomer it probably isn't really.


  • Well it wll need to be very clear (contractually) who maintains the cables that are made live or isolated from the flat end, and yet are by the sounds of it routed outside and are accessible to all. Rather like building network wiring it will need to be resistant to casual tampering - who is responsible if it gets vandalised and then someone else gets a shock , for example.

    Armour and steel trunking are your friends....This is no worse than flat specific outside lights, sockets or car charging, all common thee days, but it needs to be very clear who does what and who repairs and protects what.

    At the equipment end more than usual care over labelling, and also isolation, maybe indicator lamps and things to avoid relying on turning off from inside flat one and accidentlayly opening the live heat exhhanger for flat two sort of accidents.

    Interconnection of earthing may or may not become a concern. -If all the flats really share one big incomer it probably isn't really.


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