Class 2 CT chamber

New Form 4 switchboard but DNO want confirmation that the integral CT chamber is of Class 2 construction as per BS7671. No specific Reg given. It is not something that I have been challenged on before but I can only see some loose implication in 557.5.3.1 indent (iii). 

  • That may well be the reason JP. Come to think of it, a recent replacement had just what you describe done in UKPN land on another site I was involved with. 
    Will let you know how matters resolve. 

  • Lyle

    I was on site this morning for a meeting and the meter fixer was there to fit the meter. He had stripped back the SWA cable to connect in to the meter box. I counted the cores in the cable and I can confirm there were 10 cores. Still waiting for the 2 No. bundles of HV cables to be connected in to the HV ring out in the verge beside the roadway. Need a permit from the highway authority but cannot get one until the work changing the traffic lights along the main road is complete! The Highway Authority will not allow 2 nearby street works at the same time. Just another problem to get in the way of completing the project.


  • Lyle

    I was on site this morning for a meeting and the meter fixer was there to fit the meter. He had stripped back the SWA cable to connect in to the meter box. I counted the cores in the cable and I can confirm there were 10 cores. Still waiting for the 2 No. bundles of HV cables to be connected in to the HV ring out in the verge beside the roadway. Need a permit from the highway authority but cannot get one until the work changing the traffic lights along the main road is complete! The Highway Authority will not allow 2 nearby street works at the same time. Just another problem to get in the way of completing the project.


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