Amtech - Excessive Earth Loop Impedance on SWA cables

Hi All,

I'm new to Amtech and I've been asked to review a model.

I'm looking at circuits that are SWA cables using the armour and an internal conductor as the CPC. There are various earth loop impedance errors listed where the Zs at the load end is too high, but what I can tell, Amtech firstly calculates the Zs using the armour only, and if this is too high it sees it as an error, but it then recalculates using the internal CPC in parallel with the armour to reduce the Zs to an acceptable value. There is a note listed referencing the same cable stating this, so I'm I correct in thinking that even though Amtech says this is an error but it actually isn't because of the note explaining the second calculation.


Parents Reply Children
  • What happens if the SWA cable is only connected to the SWA at one end for CPC/Earth at the gland?  I imagine no loop

    Not sure what you mean by this?

    If the armour is connected to PE, say, at the source end but not the remote end, then L-armour fault would occur via loop back through source PE?

    If the armour is connected to PE at the remote and but not the source end, say TT system, then the loop is back through the TT earth electrode to the source (e.g. distributor's earth electrode, but in TN-C-S system, also through PEN conductor multiple earthing) - may require an RCD at the source end of the cable for ADS. In this case, the lowest earth fault loop might be known, but the maximum prospective earth fault current cannot always be determined with certainty (Guidance Note 6 tells us what to assume here in the case it's not known with certainty).