As a part p installer can i install a 7kw ev charging point?

I have a cable supply to an outside IP65 box on my drive. When we refurbished the house I put a SWA  cable to supply power to our  temporary accommodation including an electric shower. As we now let the property I was thinking of converting this to an EV Charging point, possibly a 7kw one ( the supply is comfortably big enough) . I don't think i need any further qualifications to do this, just a part p notification (for amendment to an outside circuit) and possibly i need to inform the DNO? Clearly I could just use the 13A  outlet, but thought it might be a "selling point"?

The NICEIC website seems to confirm that there's no need to actually register a charger under part p, just  the circuit alteration or installation if necessary.. Its quite hard to research this online, I just get reams of companies wanting to sell me one, can anyone on here shed a bit more light on this?

Thanks.  Dave 

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