As a part p installer can i install a 7kw ev charging point?

I have a cable supply to an outside IP65 box on my drive. When we refurbished the house I put a SWA  cable to supply power to our  temporary accommodation including an electric shower. As we now let the property I was thinking of converting this to an EV Charging point, possibly a 7kw one ( the supply is comfortably big enough) . I don't think i need any further qualifications to do this, just a part p notification (for amendment to an outside circuit) and possibly i need to inform the DNO? Clearly I could just use the 13A  outlet, but thought it might be a "selling point"?

The NICEIC website seems to confirm that there's no need to actually register a charger under part p, just  the circuit alteration or installation if necessary.. Its quite hard to research this online, I just get reams of companies wanting to sell me one, can anyone on here shed a bit more light on this?

Thanks.  Dave 

  • You need to be a little clearer as to what you mean. To modify an existing circuit, you do not need to do any notification for the electrical work (Part P). For a car charger, the DNO should be informed. There are various caveats. Total demand should be assessed before fitting the car charger, and, in many cases,if the demand os low enough, you may fit the charger, then inform the DNO later. As has been stated earlier, you do need to inform them, either before or after. I havent got the new Code of Practice yet, the requirements for notifying beforehand is in there, if max demand is low enough, you may be able to inform them after fitting.

    All the relevant links and forms are available online.

  • You need to be a little clearer as to what you mean. To modify an existing circuit, you do not need to do any notification for the electrical work (Part P). For a car charger, the DNO should be informed. There are various caveats. Total demand should be assessed before fitting the car charger, and, in many cases,if the demand os low enough, you may fit the charger, then inform the DNO later. As has been stated earlier, you do need to inform them, either before or after. I havent got the new Code of Practice yet, the requirements for notifying beforehand is in there, if max demand is low enough, you may be able to inform them after fitting.

    All the relevant links and forms are available online.

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