Fire rated cables not leaving fire compartment

Been asked a couple of questions by an installer and struggling to get a definitive answer from and standards.

First, if a landlords panelboard contains life safety circuits (in this case both primary and secondary as we have two transformers on site), do the cables between the cut-out and panelboard need to be fire rated if they are in the same fire compartment?

Second, we have a dedicated DB serving lighting in a fire fighting shaft. The DB has dual supplies via an automatic transfer switch (ATS) in a 2 hour rated enclosure. This enclosure backs onto the shaft so the lighting circuit cables will penetrate the 2 hour rated wall to serve the lighting. Do these cables need to be fire rated throughout, or just where they pass through compartments. Once in the compartment, could they just be T&E?

The reasoning for both of the above is that once in the compartment, the equipment the cables are serving will not last anywhere near as long as the cable that serves it. But after a good trawl through BS 8519 and BS 9999 and BG70, I can't find anything conclusive. 

BS 8519 would suggest that any life safety supplies need fire rated cables, so the panelboard supply would need fire rated tails. 

I would appreciate any guidance. 

  • The answer to your second question is no. Refer figure 1 of BS 8519:2020. The little arrangement in the top left has an ATS in a 2 hour fire resisting enclosure serving life safety equipment in an adjacent 2h fire resisting enclosure. The cables from the ATS which pass through from one enclosure to the other are shown as non-fire-resistant-cabling. 

  • Hi mrf

    I've not noticed that before. And now I'm looking in more detail, it would seem that this is repeated in BG 70 figure 25. 

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