Legacy Installation EICR

Greetings all.

Hopefully this will be an easy one for the hive mind, and I've tried the 'Search' but to no avail:

I manage an old industrial complex built in 1960. During the EICR testing most of the fixed wiring circuits have failed the insulation tests, with readings of less than 1Mohm. These cables are all MICC and have been untouched since installation. To replace all these cables would be an epic task and these works would need to be done in the next three months to satisfy the handover of the premises to the landlord.

Is there a method to test these 'legacy' cables other than to test to current standards (500v)? Istr mention of testing such cables at 50v but I can't find where I saw this. Is there a method to implement mitigation measures instead of replacing all the cables, or spending many hours isolating sections to fault find?

As you may be able to tell, I'm no electrician and every contractor I've approached has insisted that the entire building needs to be recabled, which isn't currently viable.


  • The report just shows <1M so that's all the information I have.

    Sounds like you need a better EICR.

    Chances are that it's still several kΩ over tens of metres, probably caused by a small bit of damp sneaking past the seals over the years. If so the resulting leakage current would be in the milliamps range - a tiny waste of power, and no shock hazard provided everything's solidly earthed. You probably need some solid numbers to make a decent argument though - above a certain level (10mA say) there might be an argument that the circuits should have high integrity c.p.c.s to assure safety (which is likely to be there for free in a MICC installation, but the details might need double checking for any possible weak points). On the other hand very low readings might indicate a hidden fault (N-PE faults on circuits without RCDs can go unnoticed for years) or some other insulation issue (e.g. insulation breakdown in the light fittings themselves) which would need attention.

    One day we'll get people who don't have a financial interest in the remdials to do EICRs.

        - Andy.

  • The report just shows <1M so that's all the information I have.

    Sounds like you need a better EICR.

    Chances are that it's still several kΩ over tens of metres, probably caused by a small bit of damp sneaking past the seals over the years. If so the resulting leakage current would be in the milliamps range - a tiny waste of power, and no shock hazard provided everything's solidly earthed. You probably need some solid numbers to make a decent argument though - above a certain level (10mA say) there might be an argument that the circuits should have high integrity c.p.c.s to assure safety (which is likely to be there for free in a MICC installation, but the details might need double checking for any possible weak points). On the other hand very low readings might indicate a hidden fault (N-PE faults on circuits without RCDs can go unnoticed for years) or some other insulation issue (e.g. insulation breakdown in the light fittings themselves) which would need attention.

    One day we'll get people who don't have a financial interest in the remdials to do EICRs.

        - Andy.
