AFDD speculation and planning around future requirements


We currently have a large number of obsolete distributions boards, we're currently looking at specifying a replacement and phased changed out of the obsolete distribution boards. 

I'm concerned about future requirements around AFDDs. Could it be the case that AFDDs are mandated for some or more circuits in the short term future, 'shall' as opposed to the current 'should'?

How can we realistically spend a significant amount of money on boards that may leave us unable to add circuits to in the future?

I understand we can't predict the future, however does anyone have any thoughts on the likelihood of this? I understand the obvious option is to use AFDD compatible boards however I'm struggling to location 3ph boards with correct number of ways within maximum physical dimensions.

The only DB that I have found suitable for other criteria has AFDD units that take up three ways for a single phase circuit!


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