wylex push/plug -in MCB - the new gold standard

If anyone has decent condition (not even that !) old Wylex  plug/push -in MCB,  you are sitting on a new gold currency !

The prices for them have gone through the roof - check out 'evilbay' for instance.

Not too long ago they could be had new for 7 to 10 quid.

Greedy folk in society demonstrate themselves again... reminiscent of hand sanitiser and toilet roll era.


  • Hi pychicwarrior. Wylex has stopped making them, so they’re rare as hen’s teeth. And online sellers know that, so they jack up the prices like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a seller’s market, and you’re the buyer. Good luck with that.

  • I bought a B20A one from my wholesaler around this time last year - cost me £21! I couldn't believe it! I have 5 of them here on my desk right now! Golden!

  • This triggered me to check and I see from looking at surprising prices on-line I think perhaps I should blow the dust off my collection of 'pre-loved'  Wylex re-wirable fuses and bases and try and sell them. For one reaosn or another I have a few left over from jobs in  years past, and to me they are so much dead weight.

    Mrs MAPJ1 is always complaining I keep too much junk, maybe I should be selling it  !


  • The irony for me is that it wasn't too many years ago that I spent an afternoon breaking them apart for the brass blades and copper braid inside for scrap!

    I have a quite few of the old 1361 fuseholders and a smaller number of 3036 rewireables - all with their base covers too. Must check out prices - I haven't looked yet. Apparently since immediate -post-covid, the tax man is now monitoring all ebay transactions, especially those posted by those registered for self-employment, so be careful how much you make - you may get an unexpected tax bill as a consequence if you do too well!

  • Would anybody care to date one of these? I found a couple under the floorboards. I think that they were removed in the early 1980s. Some refurbishment may have been carried out in the mid 1960s, but they look older than that.

    ETA: BS 3036 dates from 1958.

  • this ancient relic is still functioning. 

  • this ancient relic is still functioning

    So am I. :-)

  • Haha. Im glad you’re still functioning, Chris. You’re a living proof that old things can still be useful. Wink

  • The distribution board is the subject of concern for the electricians working on the site. They have declined to work on the DB as shown and have asked for a new one. The carrier of the DB has a flash guard made of asbestos, which poses a health risk. How do you evaluate the risk of taking out the fuse and replacing the fuse wire in this case? Is this an acceptable practice considering the asbestos exposure?

  • In another life, I had some dealings with claims concerning mesothelioma. In essence, objects made of asbestos are dangerous only if damaged or disturbed. So being a stoker in (then) one of Her Majesty's ships and walking past asbestos lagging several times a day was not a risk. By contrast, being in the engine room when the ship was in refit and there was white dust everywhere (as one individual described it) was indefensible.