wylex push/plug -in MCB - the new gold standard

If anyone has decent condition (not even that !) old Wylex  plug/push -in MCB,  you are sitting on a new gold currency !

The prices for them have gone through the roof - check out 'evilbay' for instance.

Not too long ago they could be had new for 7 to 10 quid.

Greedy folk in society demonstrate themselves again... reminiscent of hand sanitiser and toilet roll era.


  • That sounds like a very interesting life you had. Did you also get to travel the world and see exotic places? Or were you too busy with those inhaling asbestos and filing lawsuits? I’m sure you have some fascinating stories to tell. Or some horrifying ones.

  • Life at sea is not as dull as one might think.

    For your bonus question, when did the Second World War end?

  • Germany waved the white flag on 8 May 1945, Japan threw in the towel on 15 August 1945.

  • Nicely put!

    In fact, the answer is 1952 by virtue of the Treaty of San Francisco.

    The relevance of this is that all naval and military personnel were deemed to be on active service (essentially serving in a war zone) anywhere in the world during WWII. If you die at least in part of wounds sustained whilst on active service, your estate is free of inheritance tax. It follows that any member of the Armed Forces who could show that he or she was dangerously exposed to asbestos up to 28/04/1952 whether the ship was at sea or in refit may benefit from the concession. After that, tough luck!

  • The last Japanese soldier to formally surrender did so in 1974.


  • I presume it is woven asbestos mat. some later ones were changed to glass fibre. Probably not something to be prodded with lightly. How well ventilated is the space, and is it practical to wear an FFP3 (P3) grade mask while doing so ? If asbestos is a credible risk, that is about the lowest level of protection wile checking.

    If it is a certainty, then you need to be very careful indeed 

    Replacing an asbestos-containing fuse box or a single fuse assembly

    is worth a read.
