AC & DC Cable segregation underground


I am currently reviewing a design that has 2 X low voltage DC 200KW circuits (185mm Ho7 Singles) run ducted underground at a depth of 600mm along with a couple of ducted 32A single phase circuits (25mm Ho7) (Both Band II circuits) the separation distance between all circuits underground is 0.25m is this ok in terms of AC / DC segregation? the AC circuit is a standard 230V circuit and the DC circuit can have a voltage of up to 1000V (EV Charger) 

using TABLE A444.1 – Summary of minimum separation distances where the specification and/or the intended application of the information technology cable is not available, shows a 200mm separation distance. but I wanted to make sure there was nothing I was missing, 

Thank you in advance 

  • As an aside, H07 for 1000V sounds a bit odd to me (normally the 07 indicates 700V (or to be precise 750V, between conductors, 450V to Earth).

    Otherwise I don't recall anything specific about AC/DC power separation (any more than between AC circuits) - my only other thought was to check the requirements for whatever means you're using for shock protection for the various circuits - if one depended on electrical separation for instance you might need to look at maintaining reliable electrical separation between the circuits (often not so much a distance separation issue, but might have a bearing). Likewise underground cables usually need a concentric c.p.c. of some kind unless other measures provide equivalent protection.

       - Andy.

  • As an aside, H07 for 1000V sounds a bit odd to me (normally the 07 indicates 700V (or to be precise 750V, between conductors, 450V to Earth).

    Otherwise I don't recall anything specific about AC/DC power separation (any more than between AC circuits) - my only other thought was to check the requirements for whatever means you're using for shock protection for the various circuits - if one depended on electrical separation for instance you might need to look at maintaining reliable electrical separation between the circuits (often not so much a distance separation issue, but might have a bearing). Likewise underground cables usually need a concentric c.p.c. of some kind unless other measures provide equivalent protection.

       - Andy.

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