Residential Park Home and Section 708

Does the fixed connection to a Residential Park Home on a static park home site come under regulation 708.415.1 as in does it need a 30mA RCD at the connection point? In this case there’s a free standing meter box which used to have a 30mA RCD fitted it’s now been replaced with a 100mA RCD as test button had failed on the old one. Reading the scope it is unclear to me as it reads “residential park homes in caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations” so would a static park home site full under similar locations? Obviously they’ve used a different manufacturer as well which doesn’t appear to fit correctly but am more concerned about it being 100mA.

Thanks in advance 


  • Does the fixed connection to a Residential Park Home on a static park home site come under regulation 708.415.1 as in does it need a 30mA RCD at the connection point?

    Surely this is a question for the particular site owner/operator, as it's their installation?

    The Scope of Section 708 of BS 7671, and the requirements in this particular respect, are not unique to the UK, but were made "pan-European" in HD 60364-7-708. I think the scope of Section 708, Regulation 708.1, has been discussed earlier in the thread, and in particular as highlighted below:

    The particular requirements contained in this section apply only to circuits intended to supply leisure accommodation vehicles, tents or residential park homes in caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations.

    So, the classification of the site as a "caravan park, camping park, or similar location" is really down to either:

    • Licensing conditions of any site operating license;
    • Planning conditions for the site; or
    • Assessment by the operator (where neither of the above apply).

    Which is why I said it's really down to the site owner/operator.

  • The highlighted text suggests temporary occupation of the site, but I don't think that mobile home/static caravan owners can have it both ways. Either they are technically a caravan, even if they are jacked up and the wheels off, in order to gain the advantage of planning laws, or they are not.

    However, as Sparkingchip has pointed out, "residential park home" is defined in Part 2.

    So if the caravan is in a field with pitches for other caravans, 708 applies. If it is temporary accommodation during a self build, for example, it does not.

  • The highlighted text suggests temporary occupation of the site, but I don't think that mobile home/static caravan owners can have it both ways.

    Or 'temporary occupation' of part of the site ... surely it's a "site" issue, not to do with the particular "part of the site" or "what is connected" ?

  • The local council classifies us as a Mobile Home Site probably due to the fact everything comes under the Mobile Homes Act 2013. The site owner is struggling to carry out an EICR which is part of the site license agreement with the council. The previous report was classed as satisfactory but had listed that some RCD test buttons had failed and coded C3. One of them being mine which was replaced with the different manufacturers 100mA  RCD in place of the 30mA, hence my question here. Ideally I would prefer a time delay 100mA as I have DP RCBO’s in my consumer unit. 

    I would think the licensing would just state to BS7671 and the site owner would just trust the electrician’s judgment and use them as the scape goat if anything happens. Perhaps the 708 scope could be worded better as to whether it applies to homes covered by the Mobile Homes Act or not, which then makes it very easy to clarify. 

  • The local council classifies us as a Mobile Home Site probably due to the fact everything comes under the Mobile Homes Act 2013. The site owner is struggling to carry out an EICR which is part of the site license agreement with the council. The previous report was classed as satisfactory but had listed that some RCD test buttons had failed and coded C3. One of them being mine which was replaced with the different manufacturers 100mA  RCD in place of the 30mA, hence my question here. Ideally I would prefer a time delay 100mA as I have DP RCBO’s in my consumer unit. 

    I would think the licensing would just state to BS7671 and the site owner would just trust the electrician’s judgment and use them as the scape goat if anything happens. Perhaps the 708 scope could be worded better as to whether it applies to homes covered by the Mobile Homes Act or not, which then makes it very easy to clarify. 

  • Perhaps the 708 scope could be worded better as to whether it applies to homes covered by the Mobile Homes Act

    I know this perhaps seems pedantic, but please bear with me.

    Section 708 clearly doesn't apply to the 'residential park homes' themselves (as Note 3 in the Scope, Regulation 708.1) ...  I think what you're asking is whether Section 708 scope could be re-worded to say whether it applies to sites that only contains homes covered by the Mobile Homes Act?

    I'm not sure that is possible. I understand that sites covered by the Mobile Homes Act can include provisions for caravans and motor caravans (and therefore be a "caravan site") so perhaps that simple exclusion is not possible? I'd again be suggesting this is a question for the site owner/operator to address.

    Ideally I would prefer a time delay 100mA as I have DP RCBO’s in my consumer unit

    I fully understand that ... whilst BS 7671 requires that the RCD in question is accessible to the user of the "pitch" (the "consumer" in Regulation 708.415.1), I take the point that scratting round outside  in bad weather on a dark night isn't ideal if the installation is subject to unwanted tripping.