Draft for Public Comment - IET Open combined protective and neutral (PEN) conductor detection devices (OPDDs)

The IET's new Standard (IET 01) includes definitions, requirements and tests for open PEN detection devices (OPDDs) and is now open for public comment, find out more here https://electrical.theiet.org/get-involved/consultations/iet-open-combined-protective-and-neutral-pen-conductor-detection-devices-opdds

Deadline for comments: Friday 2 February 2024.

Parents Reply
  • Unfortunately the consultation period has now closed (since the 2nd Feb) so the Draft for Public Comment (DPC) is no longer available (and as it's IET copyright with a condition of no further copying, even someone who had access originally  isn't permitted to give you a copy either). It's probably irrelevant now anyway, as things will have moved on - so like the rest of us you'll have to wait for the published version.

      - Andy.

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