Socket covers in GP practices

I was recently in a GP practice and noticed that they are using socket covers, so I decided I should show them the guidance that was issued by the NHS to say they should not be used.

The Fatally Flawed website links to the NHS alert that links to the PDF that the NHS issued, but that PDF has a "valid to" date of 30 June 2022.

Is anyone aware of this having been updated?

I've no idea why it "needed" an expiry date (probably related to some "document management" process).

  • Just means that everything technical comes up for periodic review, and many documents simply get up-issued - i.e. a new date review with no changes.- it just ensures that someone has checked. It is more common with things like first aid certificates and health and safety in case the 'best practice'  or recommended treatment has changed. A simple way to ensure everyone is at leat more or less up to date -

    Of course it may not have actually been reviewed yet... I can't imagine it is the most life critical thing to review in the NHS in the last year or two.


  • Indeed, but I was hoping to be able to pre-empt the "that's no longer valid" that I may get...

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