Could somebody explain to me why in a series circuit with 3 lights one at 4.2w , 60w and 50w only the 4.2W lamp will light up I understand that the current will be the same through out but I am a little confused thank you

  • And if you are bit mean and don't like buying replacement Christmas light bulbs, you can use pilot lamps or small vehicle bulbs wired in series, colour them by hand if desired. Back in the day, replacement lamps for Christmas lights were a shilling each, a significant sum then.

    But if vehicle side light bulbs or pilot lamps could be obtained from ones work ?

  • And if you are bit mean and don't like buying replacement Christmas light bulbs, you can use pilot lamps or small vehicle bulbs wired in series, colour them by hand if desired. Back in the day, replacement lamps for Christmas lights were a shilling each, a significant sum then.

    But if vehicle side light bulbs or pilot lamps could be obtained from ones work ?

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