O-PEN To the Future

O-PEN To the Future

The application of renewable light & power dynamics. The virtual Neutral monitor in EV and fixed wiring

10 Jan 2024 / 6:00pm - 9:30pm

Does anyone know if this was recorded and if there is a link for people to watch it?

  • Great strides seem to be being made with o-pen technology but not at the expense of the culprits! 
    I also understand that all new EVs are to be fitted with a pothole avoidance system (PAS). Should save millions in not having to fix potholes! 

  • Great strides seem to be being made with o-pen technology but not at the expense of the culprits! 
    I also understand that all new EVs are to be fitted with a pothole avoidance system (PAS). Should save millions in not having to fix potholes! 

  • LOL - round here that simply means you ain't going anywhere!

  • The technology is out there to fix things.  Potholes just need to be mapped for size and location.

    Google maping cars technology could be used for this without too much modification.  Data then gets added to a list for locations.  A simple spreadsheet like Openoffice or MS Excel or GoogleSheets.  Then a council worker or Highway person plans the work in and ticks off the completed job as they go.

    I not sure sure what people find difficult about it or why they choose to ignore pot holes.  I live it Watford and the roads and also the pavements are awful.