Tnc-s on agricultural installations

Hi all.  I am currently doing an Eicr for a large poultry site.  There is 8 broiler sheds.  These are chicken that are specially rared for meat production that we all end up eating.  Now there is a 3 phase 200a supply tnc-s earthing arrangement. The tnc-s earth remains throughout the whole site. Section 705 of bs 7671 and reg 705.415.2.1 at bottom there is note saying that unless a metal grid is laid in the floor, the use of pme earthing facilities as a means of earthing for the electrical installation is not recommended. Looming everyone's thoughts on how you would code this on Eicr. Do u feel it needs changing and converting to tt. Converting to tt brings it own problems with upfront rcd which may give nuisance tripping and power is essential in high density poultry houses to keep ventilation and heating running.  At certain stages of the birds life if power failure for about 30mins can end the lives of thousands of birds .

  • Might it be that the farm is fed from a pole-mounted tx in PNB fashion? In any case, being a rural supply to a relatively large consumer, the LV mains will likely be short and the  risk of loss of neutral or significant N/E voltages will be minimal compared to the apparent mess of the low voltage distribution system in more built-up areas of parts of the U.K. mainland. 
    Lots of similar farms here in the north of Ireland. Given the situation you describe, if it the installation was here, personally, I wouldn’t even mention the issue.

    Giving a FI code renders the installation unsatisfactory. That could put the farmer in serious difficulty with the company he supplies to. It may mean that any new crop of birds will be delayed resulting in significant expense to the farmer all because of a note in a guidance document!

    If you are concerned, do the further investigation yourself and carefully analyse your findings to support any decision on giving a code rather than blind, pedantic obedience to 7671.

  • Thank you Lyle for your reply. Yes it is a short cable run from transformer to the metering position. I know the likely hood of loos of neutral is very low.  I have come to the decision not to mention it and leave well alone.  I think I am best taking advice from yourself as I'm I right in saying you  may well have been my tutor this time last year for 2391 inspection and testing course at training Solutions ni?

  • Thank you Lyle for your reply. Yes it is a short cable run from transformer to the metering position. I know the likely hood of loos of neutral is very low.  I have come to the decision not to mention it and leave well alone.  I think I am best taking advice from yourself as I'm I right in saying you  may well have been my tutor this time last year for 2391 inspection and testing course at training Solutions ni?

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