AFDD on minor works ?

I've a really small job to quote  ( adding a fused spur off an existing radial )  in a care home ,with a decent , but fairly old wylex board  . am  i right in assuming i have to fit an AFDD ?? , I know i would if it was a new circuit being installed , but being only a fused spur off an existing radial , it seems a massive expense for what is supposed to be an easy job ??  can't seem to find any conclusive answers on line anywhere .

any thoughts would be appreciated 

  • My opinion for care home

    New circuits. Yes fit AFDD as stated in the Regs and BPG4

    Alteration of circuits.  Yes fit AFDD as stated in the Regs and BPG4

    Change of accessory.  No need for AFDD but there are caveats


    Does a dwelling become a care home if the person inside is bed bound?

    How do you safely test the AFDD part of the device?  MCB & RCBO part have tests and testing devices.

    When was the last EICR done on this care home?  If lots of C3s should the Duty holder not get the board upgraded?

    Does the duty holder have an up to date Risk assesment for the premesis as any C3 should be added to it?

  • Does a dwelling become a care home if the person inside is bed bound?

    Is it a commercial opeation with a continuous supply of many customers ?

    If not then it it is just a normal house, just one that currently  has a poorly person in it. 

    A respectable fraction of UK houses have a recovering stroke victim or similar invalid, looked after by their healthier partner or with more or less support from family & friends or Adult Social services.  However, for  legal purposes it remains a domestic hosuehold.

    Given that such household  arrangements tend to be termporary. (perhaps the patient is no longer there, after either getting better or worse, or the money running out and thr house is sold to pay for care, or the carer themselves becomes unable to cope)  it is likely that the situation will not persist for a significant part of the life of the electrical installation.

    I'd see that as a very different situation to a business with a steady flow of new custmoers, permanent salaried staff,  and all the other regulatory obligations that come with that.
