In a UK domestic dwelling would/should you wire an oven and/or hob in H07 Flex or T&E (PVC/PVC)?

Some MI (manufacturers instruction) for oven and/or hob state H07. 

Some MI for Cooker Outlet Plate state T&E. 

Some MI for the oven and/or hob/Cooker Outlet Plate lack any guidance and say consult a qualified electrician. 

Another thing to consider is, if the MI for oven and/or hob state H07 and MI for Cooker Outlet Plate states T&E, are they incompatiable?  Personally I think H07 Flex should be used for Oven/Hob thus the oven/hob can be removed for cleaning or maintenance purposes.  It is also heavy-duty rubber designed to provide high flexibility and to withstand chemical, mechanical and thermal stresses and normally UV stable.  It would be nice to see what BS7671 states and what the community thinks and what the manufacturers state or  think.

  • Larger sizes of T&E are stranded rather than solid, and experience suggests they survive well enough occasional movement, so I've no real objection provided they can be positioned to avoid too much heat. Some of the modern connection facilities on appliances do seem to be designed for round flexes though and getting wider/stiffer T&E into them can be a pain  - so often I do use H0 flex - usually with uninsulated 'bootlace' ferrules to stiffen up the ends to go into tunnel terminals.

       - Andy.

  • T&E is not that great for UV.  Not sure how much UV would get behind a oven but I have seen outdoor flood lights with T&E and the weather and UV destroy the cable. 

  • It’s not good for SY cable either. 

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