Loop Impedance Tests

I did a loop impedance test today at a garage socket with ATT on and got a measurement of about 250Ω, I did it again without ATT and measured about 2.5Ω. I have noticed small discrepancies before, but never on this scale. I did repeat the tests, and am fairly sure I was reading the display properly! The house is PME, presumable exported to the garage. I didn’t have time to investigate further, and am going back on Monday so can look into it further then. I am wondering what could cause such discrepancies. My meter has fairly new batteries in it.

  • It could be a fault with the tester.  As Sparkingchip has pointed out, they are two completely separate tests on the Kewtech, which means a component fault can affect one setting but not the other.  They have three different measurement ranges on each setting, and a failure on one can lead to the tester giving the highest reading in that range.

    Mine had the opposite issue - after a lot of use one of the non-ATT ranges failed and gave high readings.  Kewtech fixed it fairly quickly though.

  • It could be a fault with the tester.  As Sparkingchip has pointed out, they are two completely separate tests on the Kewtech, which means a component fault can affect one setting but not the other.  They have three different measurement ranges on each setting, and a failure on one can lead to the tester giving the highest reading in that range.

    Mine had the opposite issue - after a lot of use one of the non-ATT ranges failed and gave high readings.  Kewtech fixed it fairly quickly though.

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