Loop Impedance Tests

I did a loop impedance test today at a garage socket with ATT on and got a measurement of about 250Ω, I did it again without ATT and measured about 2.5Ω. I have noticed small discrepancies before, but never on this scale. I did repeat the tests, and am fairly sure I was reading the display properly! The house is PME, presumable exported to the garage. I didn’t have time to investigate further, and am going back on Monday so can look into it further then. I am wondering what could cause such discrepancies. My meter has fairly new batteries in it.

  • The old Robin KTS1620 could be quite gentle, after the inspection and shouting to tell the plumber not to touch anything, the first test could be on the 2000 or 200 ohms range testing with a significantly smaller current, before dropping down onto the 20 ohms range.

    Although in a TT installation the 20 ohms range might never be used, generally the 20 ohms range was only used in TN earthed installations.

  • Depends if you got on with the plumber or not Slight smile

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