Radio Teleswitch turn off

Not sure if others are aware, but it seem like the old radio teleswiches (the traditional alternative to a simple time clock for off-peak metering) is coming to an end soon -

   - Andy.

  • Though rumour has it the contract will be extended again.  Because there are still loads of RTS meters out there, and not enough time to replace them.  But sooner or later the transmitters will go silent when the BBC runs out of spare valves to repair them.

  • Though rumour has it the contract will be extended again.  Because there are still loads of RTS meters out there, and not enough time to replace them.  But sooner or later the transmitters will go silent when the BBC runs out of spare valves to repair them.

  • There are still a lot of RTS in service in Northern Ireland, where smart meters don't appear to exist.

    Until recently, there were eighteen RTS in my building alone - two of them failed in the past year or so and the DNO replaced them with electromechanical time clocks, leaving sixteen RTS still in service.

    I've not seen any signs of a campaign to replace RTS still in service, either within this building, or a on a wider scale.