Dual RCD boards are unlikely to be suitable for EV charging installations even with type A or B RCDs, discuss

I’ll paraphrase Regulation 722.531.3.101, “each charging point shall be protected individually by an RCD”. With that in mind a dual RCD board where both RCDs protect multiple circuits will not be suitable as the requirement is for the charge point to be individually protected. The reason I open this up to discussion is because so many installers seem completely unaware of the wording of 722.531.3.101 as about 50% of the installations I see the charger is protected by an RCD protecting multiple circuits, in particular new builds were the provision for electric vehicle charging has been made during development. I also often give quotations to prospective clients where they’ve already had at least one quotation where the previous installer has said “great you’ve got a spare way in your dual RCD board, so we can use that” and I’m thinking “erm no you can’t”

  • The reason for the "individually" requirement is that the RCD will be one that provides additional protection (IΔn not exceeding 30 mA), and in that case it is expected that the residual currents expected for an EV charging point may approach the limit for "unwanted tripping" of a 30 mA RCD discussed in Regulation 531.3.2.

    So, whilst it might be OK to have a board with only two 30 mA RCDs, you would need to restrict the RCD supplying the EVSE to just the EV circuit only.

    The designer should also consider the effects of DC residual currents (which may occur in EV charging in N-PE faults, if not other situations, purely due to the pilot functionality).

  • I have a question regarding the use of RCBOs and the Hager guide. If a RCBO is installed, am I correct making  sure they are double pole? Furthermore, does following the Hager guide imply that the installer has complied with the manufacturer’s instructions for that particular consumer unit? I personally install an individual unit for the EV when I encounter split boards.

  • My interpretation is that the EVCP must have its own RCD somewhere, but as written, I do not think that 722.531.3.101 precludes the installation of one upstream. However I take the point about unwanted tripping.

    I suppose that split boards were introduced: (1) to reduce the risk of tripping due to earth leakage (half as many circuits) and (2) to reduce the consequences of a trip - half the circuits stay alive.

    531.3.2 seems rather ambivalent: on the one hand, RCDs should be selected and erected to "limit the risk of unwanted tripping"; but on the other hand, RCBOs in residential premises, etc. need only be "considered".

    I conclude that whilst RCBOs are the preferred option, split boards remain compliant.

  • Yes part 7 requires that EVCPs are protected by a 30mA RCD that disconnects all Live conductors (part 2 defining live conductors as meaning line and neutral) thus a two pole or SP +N RCBO would be compliant.  61009 and 61008 are permitted along with at least one other standard that I can’t remember off the top of my head but may edit in once looking in the book. Thus a single pole RCBO is not sufficient and in many cases the incorporated RCD built into the charger may also not be compliant as many do not conform to the BSEN standards mentioned in Part 7 (usually because they don’t have a test button and manual reset switch, I personally think the manufacturers need shaking up on this issue as thier advertising is often misleading).

    I also duly note that Hagar doesn’t make a single module two pole RCBO, theirs is a two module device, however many online stores incorrectly advertise their compact RCBO as a two pole or SP+N, in fact it is just a single pole and doesn’t disconnect the neutral… I know CEF are one culprit for falsely advertising the Hagar RCBO as two pole as seen here https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/products/4589447-16a-sp-1-module-6ka-type-b-30ma-compact-rcbo?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpZPS8_athAMVgZFQBh0njAbeEAQYCyABEgIIovD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds 

    however if you check this model on the Hagar website it’s a single pole device p, also if you check diagram on the device it’s clearly labelled as single pole as well. So don’t be fooled. 

  • I don't think that is correct. Please do not confuse SPN with SPSN (or TPN with TPSN). In this case, the data sheet makes it very clear: "A compact single module, single pole and solid neutral device."

  • the water is further muddied by 'switched' and 'solid' both sharing an initial and SN used for both in different literature. If you mean double pole switched you really need to say so in full..


  • This device is described by Hagar as single pole. CEF advertise it as single pole and neutral (sometimes described as SP+N)… If you look at the diagram printed on the device itself it shows that the device provides over current protection on the line, RCD protection and when the device operates it it disconnects the line only, as far as I can tell should not be described as single pole and neutral or SP+N.

    when I go down the wholesaler and ask for a Single pole plus neutral RCB O I expect a device that gives over current protection on the line, RCD protection and when operates switches both line and neutral. I don’t think I’m wrong on this but happy to be educated, because I love knowing what all the diagrams mean.

  • Yes, I know - see my quote from Hager, but I think that "single pole switched neutral" would be the usual interpretation.

    All RCBOs have a neutral!

  • Yes, I know - see my quote from Hager, but I think that "single pole switched neutral" would be the usual interpretation.

    All RCBOs have a neutral!

  • sooo what is your interpretation of the CEF advertising the device as “Single Pole and Neutral” surely it’s meant to get you to believe this device switches the neutral when it operates? Which it doesn’t. Are you saying they’re simply stating the obvious that it has a neutral?

  • Wylex version says : double pole type B etc. on the spec it says 1p&N, same as the Hager. On another site the spec says for number of poles - double.

  • Yes.

    FWIW, the Wyles ones appear to be described unambiguously.