Dual RCD boards are unlikely to be suitable for EV charging installations even with type A or B RCDs, discuss

I’ll paraphrase Regulation 722.531.3.101, “each charging point shall be protected individually by an RCD”. With that in mind a dual RCD board where both RCDs protect multiple circuits will not be suitable as the requirement is for the charge point to be individually protected. The reason I open this up to discussion is because so many installers seem completely unaware of the wording of 722.531.3.101 as about 50% of the installations I see the charger is protected by an RCD protecting multiple circuits, in particular new builds were the provision for electric vehicle charging has been made during development. I also often give quotations to prospective clients where they’ve already had at least one quotation where the previous installer has said “great you’ve got a spare way in your dual RCD board, so we can use that” and I’m thinking “erm no you can’t”

  • Regarding how CEF advertise hager RCBO's I agree it's very misleading. I even sent feedback to them on this issue and they came back saying they believed their description was accurate. There are other similar issues with RCBO descriptions. A common one is that manufacturers have done something like append an A to the end of an RCBO or RCD part number to show it's now a type A. The resellers haven't bothered to make the change or to change their product photo, making it very unclear what they are selling.

    I now always check manufacturers web site and also confirm what the re-seller is selling.

  • Regarding how CEF advertise hager RCBO's I agree it's very misleading. I even sent feedback to them on this issue and they came back saying they believed their description was accurate. There are other similar issues with RCBO descriptions. A common one is that manufacturers have done something like append an A to the end of an RCBO or RCD part number to show it's now a type A. The resellers haven't bothered to make the change or to change their product photo, making it very unclear what they are selling.

    I now always check manufacturers web site and also confirm what the re-seller is selling.

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