Dual RCD boards are unlikely to be suitable for EV charging installations even with type A or B RCDs, discuss

I’ll paraphrase Regulation 722.531.3.101, “each charging point shall be protected individually by an RCD”. With that in mind a dual RCD board where both RCDs protect multiple circuits will not be suitable as the requirement is for the charge point to be individually protected. The reason I open this up to discussion is because so many installers seem completely unaware of the wording of 722.531.3.101 as about 50% of the installations I see the charger is protected by an RCD protecting multiple circuits, in particular new builds were the provision for electric vehicle charging has been made during development. I also often give quotations to prospective clients where they’ve already had at least one quotation where the previous installer has said “great you’ve got a spare way in your dual RCD board, so we can use that” and I’m thinking “erm no you can’t”

  • May I suggest it gets added to OSG for the next revision?

  • BS7671 does not need to ban dual RCD split load consumer units, because the majority of them have three neutral bars allowing them to be split three ways with a non-RCD protected busbar adjacent to the main switch for MCBs, RCBOs or AFDDs to be installed for specific circuits, as well as the two RCD protected busbars for general circuits.

    That is what I installed at home around fifteen years ago, it’s not a new idea.


  • This is just a matter of keeping oneself well informed of what is required in terms of personal CPD… up to a point competency schemes should be on top of it as well. 
    There’s no excuse for a jobbing sparks to not know what a B type RCBO with A type RCD characteristics is, and the difference between double pole, single pole (solid neutral) and switched neutral are and how to identify the symbols on the devices… after that it’s about being aware of which ones you as an installer need for the kind of installs you do.

  • I do understand that people should keep up with CPD..  It is not always the jobbing Spark doing it.  Some times the Designer is getting it wrong and the installer just go ahead with what is on the plan or diagram.  Sometimes the installer is not fully qualified or competent and they may be 1 of 10 with only one QS on site. 

    This also brings up an interesting discussion.  Lets say the Designer or installed read the MI (manufacturers Instruction) for MyEnergy Zappi 2 to 3 years ago or they went on the installer course.  Now we know the Zappi does not comply to BS7671 with regards to the RCD protection so MyEnergy are now telling customers the Installer done it wrong.  However the Installer followed the MI issued at that time for the install done at that time. 

  • May I suggest it gets added to OSG for the next revision?

    I will forward to the relevant department at the IET.

  • Myenergi falsely advertised their Zappi chargers fault protection as, “fully compliant with BS7671” Even one of the company directors Chris Horne, repeatedly mentioned on the MyEnergi forum in 2022 that no upfront RCD is required as all protection is built in. Unfortunately their inbuilt RCD does not comply with any of the BSEN numbers mentioned in part 7 of BS7671, this seems to be a sore point for Myenergi as the device does appear to work but for one reason or another has never been approved under any of the BSEN standards required by BS7671, I’ve heard that it might be because the device can’t be manually operated by the user/ordinary persons as it doesn’t have a test button nor a mechanical switch. In that situation an installer could have been fully aware that a 30mA RCD with A type characteristics that disconnects all live conductors was required but may have been mislead by the manufacturers instructions/advertising. I believe they removed all of the misleading online content in late 2022/2023 and the instructions now say with regards to RCD protection “local regulations should be checked”, not particularly clear but less misleading.
    I have been in an ongoing dispute with MyEnergi over this for some time as I believe that chargers I purchased were missold to me. Others claim they were miss instructed during the manufactures training course. Others claim that Myenergi has refused to replace chargers under warranty where no upfront RCD was fitted despite their obvious inference that one was not required. All in all they are going to have to pull their thumbs out as what they’ve said and done is not right. 

  • Myenergi needs to sit down with some installers and get there opinion/consultation and come up with a plan and a stratergy and then present it to the wider community for there thoughts.  If they don't they will lose business as people will not want to install their kit.  Once bitten twice shy and all that. 

    They do need to correct the issue.  Years ago Wylex had a MCB issue and they paid installers to swap them out.  I do understand it is easy for me to say this but at the end of the day someone has to pay for the work and the parts.  Some times things go wrong and sometimes things are done wrong.  What make the difference is how it is dealt with and rectified. 

    This brings up another question and maybe a debate it needed by the community as a whole.

    BS7671 says refer to MI and MI can overide BS7671 as it allows for new technologies.  However what if the MI is wrong?  Do we then need to go back to the document of conformity?  Was the conformity done before there was a BS/BSEN standard written?

  • Personally I feel that its better to draw a line in the sand and ban dual RCD boards for domestic installations. Even with high integrity there are still issues with combined leakage currents and loosing half the house circuits due to single faults.

    Also it's practically /  commercially very hard to use the high integrity ways when invariably the slots next to the main switch have been used and all the circuit breakers and connections need to be moved, then requiring re-test of the circuits.

    It doesn't cost that much more for all RCBO boards, especially as the suppliers would all need to be competitive with this solution. 

    IF progress continues with requiring AFDD's they need to be in a board slot architected for RCBO's. Why keep on installing equipment that's going to need replacing again in a few years.

  • Why keep on installing equipment that's going to need replacing again in a few years.

    Sometimes, this is due to the fact that designs were done years ago, and building delayed, or carried out over extended periods.

    For very logical reasons, standards adopted with new build can't be those in force on the day of completion or hand-over.

    There's also probably a factor of "rinse and repeat" - but the argument for that is why not re-use something that's "proven" already (which, incidentally, is often used as an argument against changes/improvements to standards).

  • Why keep on installing equipment that's going to need replacing again in a few years.

    To maintain an income stream (until retirement).

    OK, that's the selfish answer, but I think that it is perfectly reasonable to give a customer a range of options.

    Built-in obsolescence is hardly unique to the electrical industry.