Multiple 3 phase supplies

I’ve got some works to do at a hotel/restaurant. The hotel is on a 3 phase supply and the restaurant on a separate 3 phase supply.
They’ve asked me to wire in a large induction hob in the restaurant kitchen but unfortunately the load is already at capacity in the restaurants main board so was going to come off the hotel board to a new 3 phase board in the restaurant kitchen and to the induction hob.

I can’t see this being an issue if everything’s labelled correctly etc but would I have to connect the two METS together?

Thanks Dan

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  • Thanks, So it says ".....any protective conductors common to any of these installations shall either be capable of carrying the the maximum fault current likely to flow through them....."

    So does that mean as long as you have done the correct cable calculations you can have two separate supplies within the same room?

    Thanks Dan