Multiple 3 phase supplies

I’ve got some works to do at a hotel/restaurant. The hotel is on a 3 phase supply and the restaurant on a separate 3 phase supply.
They’ve asked me to wire in a large induction hob in the restaurant kitchen but unfortunately the load is already at capacity in the restaurants main board so was going to come off the hotel board to a new 3 phase board in the restaurant kitchen and to the induction hob.

I can’t see this being an issue if everything’s labelled correctly etc but would I have to connect the two METS together?

Thanks Dan

  • If there is equipment from two supplies that is simultaneously accessible - i.e. a person could be between the two CPCs via the metal casings of bits of kit, then they need to be solidly bonded.

    From you description this will almost certainly be the case, if it is not already - if both supplies are already attached to the same water mains and heating systems, structural steels etc.they are probably already informally linked.

     If both supplies are TNC-s you will need to think a bit about the potential for diverted neutral currents that may be quite large. Can you tell if both supplies come from the same DNO transformer originally ?

  • Hi Mike 

    Thanks for the response, I can confirm that one is a TNS and the other is TNC-S. 

  • I wouldn't be so sure on that. It is safest to assume that any public TN-S supply may have been converted to TN-C-S.

    As Mike says, presumably the two supplies come from the same transformer, but you can never be sure without asking the DNO.

  • I wouldn't be so sure on that. It is safest to assume that any public TN-S supply may have been converted to TN-C-S.

    As Mike says, presumably the two supplies come from the same transformer, but you can never be sure without asking the DNO.
