Live to Neutral Zs

I have a situation on a caravan site were the sub distribution boards are fed from the main DB via a SHNEIDER nsx MCCB which as a Zs of 0.45 ohms. Zs earth is taken car eof via 300mA rcds, but tlive to neutral Zs on the sub board is is 1.84 ohms(TNC-S). That gives me a problem with the MCCB not tripping in the event of a short circuit. Any suggestions?

  • That gives me a problem with the MCCB not tripping in the event of a short circuit.

    Won't it still trip  via the thermal element?

    Although if the loop impedance is that high I'd start worry about voltage drop under full load conditions...

       - Andy,

  • Well if the loop really is 1,84 ohms the PSSC is ~130 A so 20 odd volt  drop for a 13A kettle. Which sounds about right for a connection box with 16a socket at the remote end of a big campsite.... I know its not compliant, but it is not greatly dangerous. There is a reason caravan kettles take an age to boil after all.

    Equally if that is the reading taken in the incoming switchroom, something is probably broken, or the reading is suspect.


  • Well if the loop really is 1,84 ohms the PSSC is ~130 A so 20 odd volt  drop for a 13A kettle. Which sounds about right for a connection box with 16a socket at the remote end of a big campsite.... I know its not compliant, but it is not greatly dangerous. There is a reason caravan kettles take an age to boil after all.

    Equally if that is the reading taken in the incoming switchroom, something is probably broken, or the reading is suspect.


  • Which sounds about right for a connection box with 16a socket at the remote end of a big campsite.

    Provided there's only one hookup - if it's fed by an MCCB, I'm imagining it's feeding quite a few, so the load would be somewhat higher.

       - Andy,