Notifiable or not


Seeking some clarification on Part P. 

Existing 6mm cable protected by a 25A RCBO in main CU. Is an upgrade to a 40A RCBO, notifiable under Part P? It isn’t a new circuit, only a modification which after modification, complies with BS7671. Thoughts? 

The current 6mm cable is sized down to a 4mm cable in a junction box and then goes off to feed 2 socket radials.

Would adding 2x OCPD (for example 16A MCBs) at this junction point, be seen as a “new circuit” or would this also be a modification? At present, these OCPD don’t exist, so would need adding from a new DB. 

I am no longer Part P registered to self notify, and albeit I want to do this myself, I also want to do it properly so if I need to outsource any of this I can (but would much rather not!). 


  • Would adding 2x OCPD (for example 16A MCBs) at this junction point, be seen as a “new circuit”

    I'd day definitely a new circuit (or rather two new circuits) - BS 7671 defines a circuit by overcurrent protective devices - as the conductors downstream of the16A MCB would have different overcurrent protection to those before, they'd be new circuits.The assembly containing the MCBs might also be considered a DB or CU - which maybe ticks another box on the notification list.

    13A FCUs don't always seem to be treated the same way though, despite BS 7671's definitions...

       - Andy.

  • Thanks for your input. 

    What about the new OCPD in the main CU and upgrading this from a 25A to a 40A? New circuit or “modification”?

    The 13A FCU debate. To me, an FCU is no different than an MCB, why should one be notified and not the other? Does this mean anyone adding an FCU to a ring final circuit, must notify it? Doubtful this ever happens. 

    Why would an MCB be any different, if it’s going in-line with an existing (notified) circuit? 

  • Thanks for your input. 

    What about the new OCPD in the main CU and upgrading this from a 25A to a 40A? New circuit or “modification”?

    The 13A FCU debate. To me, an FCU is no different than an MCB, why should one be notified and not the other? Does this mean anyone adding an FCU to a ring final circuit, must notify it? Doubtful this ever happens. 

    Why would an MCB be any different, if it’s going in-line with an existing (notified) circuit? 
